Who Has The Steering Wheel?

This Midweek Money Minute includes toddlers, feelings, parking lots, dreams, and a metaphor for your life

We’re lightin’ the fires and smokin’ the tires on Wednesdays again 🔥 with the Midweek Money Minute. It’s a one-minute read on one topic each Wednesday. (have a topic you want covered? Just reply!)

Ladies and gentlemen… start your engines 👇️ 

Emotions are like toddlers… they shouldn’t be behind the steering wheel.

When you think about where your life is going (and at what pace), what part of you is behind the wheel? Is it the Dreamer, the Thinker, or the Feeler?

Don’t get me wrong.

You have feelings. You also have hopes, and dreams, and fears, and thoughts, and plans. These are all good things. These attributes make up who you are.

But they don’t all belong in the driver’s seat.

Feelings can be like a toddler at times… swinging from a sunshine-filled delight to an unreasonable menace at the drop of a hat. It happens. Feelings have their place, but the toddler should not be driving the car.

They don’t belong in the trunk, either.

If you put a toddler in the trunk in the grocery store parking lot, let’s just say you’ll get a few wary strangers giving you some much-needed extra attention.

So if they don’t belong in the trunk, and they don’t belong in the driver’s seat, where do you put your emotions?

Safely buckled in the car seat.

You should be spending time with your Feelings, and in the same space. Have conversations, exchange ideas, be entertained, endure the outbursts. But there can be some boundaries (like a five-point harness).

So who’s behind the wheel then?

Logic. Be it money, career, relationships, health, or any other aspect of your life – with Logic at the helm, Dreams riding shotgun, and Emotions in the back seat, you have a dream team that will get you where you want to be.

🖖 Until Sunday!