Proving The Concept

What e-commerce, paddle boarding, and matrimony have to do with your wallet (and life)

This Midweek Money Minute is brought to you by… us!

There are two kinds of people in this world…

The kind that jump whole-hog into a new hobby with contagious enthusiasm, seemingly bottomless YouTube intel, and thousands of dollars worth of brand new gear.

…and then there are people like me.

When I’m getting into something new, I want to prove the concept first.

Thankfully for the “concept provers”, for every first-adopting gear hound that is getting into a new hobby, there are 10 (or 1,000) suckers unloading all of their barely-touched gear on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace for pennies on the dollar.

That makes life easier for Team Proof Of Concept.

I first heard the phrase “prove the concept” in the business world, but I personally apply it to most areas of my life.

I dated my wife before I proposed to her. I made sure we had a few good fights before too, just to make sure we have the stuff to make it through unscathed (and/or maybe even stronger than before).

When I wanted to try paddle boarding, I got a sweet off-season deal from someone who finally got tired of looking at their board that barely touched water.

When I wanted to get into e-commerce, I took a leap of faith on a $5,000 Shopify brand that was doing ok for a start-up, but needed a lot of help.

Here’s how those trials ended up:

👉️ I’m looking forward to celebrating 20 years with my bride this year.

👉️ I also got tired of watching the same paddle board sitting up against the side of the house, not having touched water in months (and sold it for what I paid for it).

👉️ I worked my hiney off to grow the e-commerce store 17x in the next 3 years, allowing me to grow my portfolio of digital businesses.

Proof of Concept can be a way of life for you. Where the road takes you once the concept is proven is up to you.

What is the lightest way you can make a change for the better this week?

Onward and upward,
Simon Trask

(I’m a small business owner, advisor, and advocate – learn more here)