Too Many Choices & A Corporate Escape Plan
This is the most important choice you will need to make when investing
This painting sold for $8 million and everyday investors profited
When the painting by master Claude Monet (you may have heard of him) was bought for $6.8 million and sold for a cool $8 million just 631 days later, investors in shares of the offering received their share of the net proceeds.
All thanks to Masterworks, the award-winning platform for investing in blue-chip art. To date, every one of Masterworks’ 16 sales out of its portfolio has returned a profit to investors. With 3 recent sales, investors realized net annualized returns of 17.6%, 21.5% and 35%.
How does it work? Simple, Masterworks files each offering with the SEC so that nearly anyone can invest in highly coveted artworks for just a fraction of the price of the entire piece.
Shares of every offering are limited, but readers can skip the waitlist with this exclusive link.
Past performance is not indicative of future returns, investing involves risk. See disclosures:

When it comes to investing there are a lot of choices.
What type of IRA? SPY or VOO? Traditional or Roth 401(k)? Fidelity or Schwab? Tesla or Amazon? Sell or Hold? One expense ratio vs another? Reinvest dividends? Weekly or monthly options? Dividend vs growth?
But the most important choice: How much money you put in
Nothing will have a greater impact than your contribution habits.
Invest early. Invest often.
This week’s Top 10 👇
How $200 Per Month Can Create $100,000 in Yearly Dividend Income
How Much you should have in your 401k by age (YouTube)
How Jeff Bezos made $7.9 million per hour last year
Can you retire at 30 with $10M? (here’s the math)
Americans aren’t poor, they're pre-rich
The shocking truth about our finances (YouTube)
Tips for 100 Baggers
9 Bizzare Facts (with gems of wisdom)
Instead of chasing happiness, do this
“Making money is a hobby that will complement any other hobbies you have, beautifully.”