10 Things + Presidential Markets

Buying a home with a love letter, comets, regret, F.I.R.E. life, Shark Tank records, and the best night of sleep you'll ever get

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Can’t get enough of this election cycle? 🙄 It feels like they always have an impact on the stock market, but do they really? Dig into that (and more) in this week’s Sunday Money.

10 Things 👇️ 

  1. Does The Stock Market Care Who’s President?

  2. The Best Investment In Shark Tank History 📺️ 

  3. Ever Tried Writing A ‘Love Letter’ To a Home Seller?

  4. Retire By Age 40

  5. How a 12-Ounce Layer of Foam Changed the NFL

  6. Crypto For Noobs

  7. Don’t Miss This Comet

  8. 5 Rules For Young People To Become Rich 📺️

  9. Ancient Advice For Living With Regret

  10. Get A Cooling Pillow

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