10 Things + Loan Debt
Cowboys, SEALs, hiking Sweden, tipping with lottery tickets, fake Amazon reviews, and bigger debt than student loans

Kenny Powers ain’t got nothin’ on this cowboy! 🤠
Today’s 10 Things includes an awesome story of a house flipping cowboy who built a FIRE-worthy real estate rental portfolio one house at a time, and now teaches individuals how to do the same thing.
Are you going to become the next real estate cowboy?
10 Things 👇️
What % of retirement-age workers are still working, by state
Waitress tipped with $10M lottery ticket (and it does not end well)
This cowboy reached F.I.R.E. via fixer-uppers 📺️
The one decision tree you need for big life changes
How to spot fake reviews on Amazon
Want to learn to sell anything? Read these 100 books
The wealth killer that’s bigger than student loans 📺️
Go hike 22 islands in Sweden…
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